When looking back on all we have done this semester it is hard to believe we’ve learned so much about blogs, wikis and websites. Prior to CEP, I honestly probably thought they were all different names for the same thing ☺. I now realize the difference and have first hand experienced what each are useful for. Blogs, most importantly, can be used to express thoughts, opinions, links or images. As I’ve found this semester there are many teachers who blog with information to benefit many other of their peers. People’s ability to comment on blog posts makes it useful for discussion purposes. Wikis on the other hand are great, because they allow members of the wiki to edit information and add to the specific site. I would like to have a wiki for my peers and students in which comments, and questions are posted all in one known spot. It is nice because in contrast to a blog all the information is in one spot, rather than multiple people’s personal blogs. Finally, websites such as Weebly are perfect for making portfolios. You can have multiple pages on your site, and the varieties of templates they give you make for a very professional looking page. All in all, these different technology based sites are similar yet they have different benefits, and would certainly enhance a classroom’s learning experience!
This is a great point - there are lots of similarities between the three. I think it's interesting that their strengths are where they differ.
ReplyDeleteKyle make a great point! It seems like you have leaned a lot this semester. I wouldn't have been able to tell you the difference between these three things at the beginning of the semester either. I think that it's really neat to see how our ideas about technology have progressed throughout this course!
ReplyDeleteKyle! I also think you make a very valid argument. I think what makes me like all three is that they are so similar.